Introduction of Law Law is much important of any society without law we can’t execute our society of any country .Because it serves norm of conduct of citizen. Its provide proper guideline for people and learn to people how to live in society and any country. Its law conduct of government of country and run of court of this country. According to law our country can keep peace and free of many dangerous incident. If any country cannot follow the rule of they cannot keep peace in country and they do not safe country any incident and any terrified crime. Define of Law The term of law is name of those codes which takes humans behaviour. Law is product of the common sense of public in any state. Law is body of rules, there enforced by sovereign political. History of law The history of law connect with how of its history. The best thinks of people is to be found in legislation daily life is best mirror and custom constitute the law super transaction. Ancient Egyptians held set of civil rule base on social equality and justice. Ancient Greece became the first society base on work for people. This translator to its law and play important rule in development of democracy. In the history many roman was changes culture and heritage and barristers and solicitors. The law society in USA is largely consist on English common law. Ancient greece law based on the law legal and organization of ancient greek. The common knowledge bout of western society derives by society more special from author of the ancient Greece and philosopher whose writing book was survived. Greece law bout marriage and confess as well as law could not concern penalties of this law were not set. But its rule were set some elders of family. Rule of society in Law Every society is important of law for it serves as behavior of people. its also made provide of all citiens guidelines and maintain peace in society. Rule of law means the people and institution are all principle that subject is fairly applied and enforced. A large number of scholars are agree about the role of law in society and character of law change the society. Rule of Law of in vrious jurisdictions The rule of law have been considered as one of the keydeminsion tht determins qulity and good governance of a country.some important are disscused below to understandof rule law in their counrtry. Conculision. To conclude we can say that for the strenthening of rule of law its essensial that law must updated and new may be also framed according to the social reuirements.