2006 YLR 856;

An order against the co-sharer can't be given since the co-sharer has developed a sense of belonging to each inch of the property.

2007 YLR 1723 Peshawar;

2012 YLR 809 High Court AJ&K;

2014 MLD 1844;

2016 YLR 1300 Lahore;

The co-sharer couldn't document a suit statement or ownership against other co-sharers, yet a suit for the segment must be documented.

2016 CLC 176

Peshawar by Equity Yahya Afridi: "Each co-proprietor in a unified property was dared to be the proprietor possessing each inch of the property. A co-proprietor of a unified property looking for injunctive relief could look for something very similar with the conventional parcel of the unified property.

A co-proprietor looking for a segment of the joint property would have the option to get the assurance of the individual portion of every co-proprietor. Giving injunctive help to one co-proprietor would amount to approving him to legitimately claim a significant piece of the joint property, which would disappoint the segment of joint property. 2019 SCMR 84, the most recent perspective on the High Court, maintained the view taken in 2016 CLC 176