Instructions necessary before filing a family case:

If you have never been a court judge before and suddenly you have to file a family case, there are a few guidelines that will prove to be very helpful and effective for upgrading. -1 If you are a woman and you are filing a lawsuit against your spouse, it may be the case listed below. “The prayer of the righteous, “Well, if you do, you will be called to be a worshiper. “Praying for a spouse. “Praying for the wicked. “The prayer of the righteous, Then the prayer returned. “The prayer is right. This must be done before all claims are made. And which documents need to be brought with all the things you will find all the details in this article. With regard to personal expenses: First, if you have to file a complaint about your personal expenses, you will have to bring your original ID card with you. If you do not have an identity card, you can also put a passport size photo on the claim. If your cousin is an employee in a public or semi-public agency, his employment and proof of his salary can also be brought with you. With the Neptune: If you have to submit a claim for your children’s income, in this case your child’s transfer of birth/form B, and if your children are going to school, take the school certificate of those children with you. This was revealed at the time of the appointment of the Chairman of the Board. In addition, if your child is studying, you should also tell your lawyer about it. If your child is affected by a particular illness, you should also inform your lawyer about the expenses incurred. So that your lawyer can make all of this part of the case. with the prayer of the wicked, If you are filing claims regarding the misappropriation of goods, try to provide the original list that was prepared at the time of marriage to the lawyer, and if such a list was not prepared during the marriage, then you should submit the list of all goods by preparing it yourself to your attorney, which has also included the price of all the items that are part of the goods. If you have complaints about goods, you must also provide your lawyer, and if there is no complaint, there will be no interference with the case. Tell your lawyer the names of at least two persons in whose presence you have been granted a temporary permit so that both of them can be sought as witnesses in court. Make sure that the price of the goods rises and goes away from writing, which is based on the actual price. With a complaint: Similarly, if you are filing claims about spending, it is very important that you have all receipts and records regarding treatment in the hospital. If you do not have such a record, you can remove the record from the relevant hospital through the court and the record can be presented to the court as proof. with the right to claim: If your claim is against the right to the right of the right, then the document on which the right is written should be brought with you. Return to Wedding and Wedding: When the complaint is filed with the spouse, you also ask for a refund, which, in the case of a divorce, will be returned to the court with a specific ratio. The most important and essential: In the end, I will report to you whenever anyone is challenged to file a case, try to talk directly with your lawyer and not let any other person interfere with you. Because if you rely on any third party, then your case may be damaged and you may also be fraudulent.