2015 CLC 641
On the off chance that cabinet is demise (The suit of request 37 cannot be recorded against the lawful beneficiary.)
The producer of the check had passed on before the equivalent could be introduced for encashment. Said check had failed to have any impact as a "bill of trade" on the demise of its producer. Outline suits must be recorded against the executors of bills of trade, hundies, or promissory notes and not in any other case. A party who was not a cabinet member or creator of a check or bill of trade was not responsible consequently, and he was unable to be sued under u/o 37, rr. 2 and 3, CPC. Lawful delegates of
expired should sign the instruments to make them obligated thereunder. Respondents had not marked the contested check; they were not at risk to the offended party against the actual look given by their ancestor. The present suit isn't viable. Preliminary Court was coordinated to return the plaint. Amendment excused.
(2015 CLD 307, Lahore) 1998
SCMR 804, 2003 SCMR 480