2013 SCMR 1049 

Recovery of gold adornments or their worth Segment 5 of the West Pakistan Family Court Act (XXXV of 1964) gold adornments market esteem: repaying spouse or order holder with the market value of gold rather than gold decorations - scope The wife documented a suit for recuperation of share articles against her better half, and the rundown of settlement articles included 17 tolas of gold. The suit petitioned God for one or the other recuperation of 17 tolas of gold or its worth, which was expressed at Rs. 380,000/=. The preliminary court conceded an order just for the recuperation of settlement articles but not their fairly estimated worth. Thusly, the spouse was held qualified for recuperation of 17 tolas, and in the event that he was not in that frame of mind to give a similar, the wife could be fittingly and completely remunerated as far as cash was concerned, provided that she was paid a sum that would empower her to buy something very similar from the open market. Dissimilar to other property, moveable or immoveable assurance of market worth of gold represented no trouble as the same was fixed by the gold market on asem was promptly replaceable for case; wife was qualified for recuperation of 17 tools of gold decorations or in the option of its ongoing business sector esteem; request was permitted as needed.