What to do if someone is defaming you about your ex? Remember one thing that defaming someone because of personal grudge, describing someone's evil in front of people that was not in it or defaming someone's business in a way that harms his business is an act of Islamic and moral values. is against and is arrestable according to Pakistani law. This act is called Defamation in English and legal parlance. What should be done if someone is defaming you, your family or your business? If someone does, you can take criminal action against that person as well as claim civil defamation. How to take criminal action? Sections 499 to 502 of the Penal Code of Pakistan deal with defamation. You can file an FIR against such a person in the police. If found guilty, the person can be jailed for up to 2 years and fined. How to file a civil or civil action? You can claim defamation in the court against the person who is causing defamation and also demand damages. Defamation Ordinance 2002 to recognize speedy justice for the government Introduced whereby the aggrieved person can file a direct defamation case in the Sessions Court. Before filing a case under this Ordinance, the aggrieved person shall send a legal notice to the person within two months from the time the defamation was committed. If the person does not apologize or pay damages within 14 days after the legal notice, the affected party Defamation Ordinance 2002 can claim defamation in the Sessions Court under s. He will state in this claim how much loss he has suffered. Suppose a person defames someone's business. If his business has suffered and that business is closed due to this defamation, then he will state in the claim that his business has been closed. The court fee will be paid according to the loss of as many lakhs as the loss. The court fee will not be more than 15,000 if the damage is above 2 lakhs. The Sessions Court is bound to decide the case within 3 months of filing the claim in the Sessions Court. If you prove your case in the court, then the court will compensate you for your loss. Filed a false FIR, which damages the reputation, what should be done? Filing a false FIR is an offense under Section 182 of the Pakistan Penal Code. The police are bound to take action under section 182 against the person who lodged a false FIR Defaming a dead person? Defamation of a dead person is also a crime against which the relatives of the deceased can file a case against that person In which cases, defamation will not be prosecuted? It is not a crime if a person with a good intention tells about someone's evil so that others will be safe from his evil. For example, a person cheats or steals from people. no. Medicines in a medical store are fake or food in a hotel is not good and you tell people in good faith, it will not be a crime.